Friday, January 13, 2012

More on Marilynne Robinson

For those of you who enjoyed Marilynne Robinson's article, here is a review of her book Gilead, which won the Pultizer Prize. I can honestly say that it is one of the most beautiful books that I have ever read. Here is a sentence from the review that sums up why: 

"What elicits tears at the book's close, I think, is a highly unusual literary experience: Robinson (in her role as author of this creation) allows even a faithless reader to feel the possibility of a transcendent order, thanks to which mercy can reign among people on Earth."

1 comment:

  1. reflecting upon this review, i am reminded of our call to be a witness and a reflection of the glory that is god's as it permeates our daily lives. i just returned this evening from a lecture about the divinity of christ and whether it is possible or even necessary for the modern man to believe in the divinity of Christ. as he spoke upon this topic, father jokingly commented that much of our conversions stem from envy. to elucidate his claim, he explained that often our change of heart results as we are brought to awareness of a transient quality that we see in another. whether it be a radiant joy, a peaceful glow or a patient love, we come to experience this transient quality through them and therefore yearn to embrace the lifestyle gracefully given. it is through these living examples that we come to know christ and seek his face. even the faithless, as the review titles them, come to see the transient beauty that is so rarely received and possibly, hopefully then embraces that grace filled life or desires for it. even if not, as the above author relays, they come to hope in that reality that can and will make our world more charitable and fraternal.
